Sunday, November 23, 2008


A post with heaps of photos from our trip to Japan in September/October.


  1. Dude, seriously some great shots. I love the one with the road sign near the top; the colour is just so wonderful. Will we be seeing some more shots from the trip? Your style is really coming on!

    I hope you had Andy deloused before he came home :)

  2. Thanks Cooke. No delousing required as of yet. The monkeys didn't get that close, nor the deer for that matter. If only I could have held a little bub monkey.... :)

    Some of these photos are from Andy as well, so I can't take all the credit. In fact, the one you speak about I think is done by him and his camera - IXUS 90IS. In fact, I think many are taken by him and his camera :)

    Not enough photos for you???
    I think before I put up anymore, you will have to put up heaps more :)

    What do you think of the monkey photo - I think 11 from the bottom? I love this shot, its my favourite so far - straight out of camera.

  3. Is that the one below Andy and the monkey or the one below that? Both of those monkey shots are great and off the camera is awesome. Well done!

    I hope to put up more soon. Tonight for the first time in about a year, I don't have to do any work at home if I don't want to. I'm sufficiently caught up that I can do it all in a work day. It's kinda weird and scary and awesome!
